Specialists in Beauty Treatments in Preston

Swedish Massage

The Health Benefits of Massage

  • Massage calms the nervous system and promotes a sense of relaxation and well being.
  • Massage reduces tension and anxiety.
  • Massage improves blood circulation, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
  • Massage stimulates the lymphatic system, which carries away the body’s waste products.
  • Massage therapy can help with pain management in conditions such as arthritis, sciatica it can also prevent and relieve muscles cramps and spasms.

Price Range

Revive Yourself with a Swedish Massage

Swedish massage helps conditions effecting correct functioning of muscles, ligaments & tendons, IE medical conditions, occupational stress.
Swedish massage uses five styles of long, flowing strokes to massage. The five basic strokes are effleurage (sliding or gliding), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (rhythmic tapping), friction (cross fiber) and vibration/shaking.
Correction of postural & muscular imbalances. Strengthening of immune system to prevent/reduce effects of illness.